father n. 1.父亲;〔口语〕爸爸〔妻子对公公,女婿对岳丈通常也这样称呼〕;义父,继父。 2.族长;祖先;前辈,长辈。 3.〔F-〕 圣父,上帝。 4.神父;教父;师傅;修道院长;早期基督教作家。 5.〔英国〕(议会等的)元老;前辈,长者;创造人,开山祖师,鼻祖;根源。 6.父亲的身分[情分],父(性)爱。 7.〔pl.〕 (古罗马的)元老院议员。 Is your father a glazier 〔戏谑语〕你父亲是装玻璃的么? 〔指责别人挡了光线〕。 The child is father of [to] the man. 〔谚语〕从小看大,三岁看老。 Like father, like son. 〔谚语〕有其父必有其子。 The wish is father to the thought. 希望是思想之父;有什么希望就有什么想法。 fathers of a city 城市的耆老。 the F- of English poetry 英国诗歌之父(指乔叟)。 F- of the City 市参议员。 be a father to 像爹一样对待…。 be gathered to one's fathers 去见祖宗,死。 F- Christmas 〔英国〕圣诞老人。 father of the Bar 年长律师。 sleep [lie] with one's fathers 埋葬在故乡。 the F- of lies 魔鬼。 the F- of lights 上帝。 the father of his country 国父。 the F- Thames 泰晤士河。 the F- of waters 江河之父(指伊洛瓦底江,尼罗河或密西西比河)。 the Holy F- 教皇。 the Pilgrim Fathers 【英史】最初移居美国的清教徒。 vt. 1.做…的父亲,生(孩子);创作,产生(新著作等);创立(计划等)。 2.自认是…的父亲;自认是…的作者[创立人](等)。 3.像父亲一样对待,保护;治理。 4.确定(作品等)的作者;确定(儿童的)生父;确定(罪行的)责任。 He fathered two sons. 他生了两个儿子。 father an orphan 收养孤儿。 Investigations fathered the baby on him. 调查结果证明他就是那孩子的生父。 father a crime upon the suspect 确定该嫌疑犯即是作案者。 adj. -less 没有父亲的,生父不明的。 adj. -like ,adv. 父亲般的[地]。
same adj. 〔常 the same〕 1. 相同的,同样的,同种的 (as); 同一个 (with; that; who; which)。 2.(和以前)一样,没有变化。 3.上述的,该,那个〔和 this, these, that, those 等连用,常用轻蔑意〕。 4.〔不用 the〕〔罕用语〕单调的,千篇一律的。 eat the same (sort of) food every day 每天吃同样的东西。 It is the same old game. 老是那一套。 It is the same with me. 我也是那样。 She has been always the same to me. 她对我始终如一。 The life is perhaps a little same. 那种生活也许有点单调。 same-sex adj. 〔美国〕(性关系、婚姻关系等上)同性的 (a same-sex family 由两个男[女]同性恋者组成的“家庭”)。 pron. 1.同一事[物];〔古语〕同一人〔常可不用 the〕。 2.【法、商】该人(等)(=he, him, she, her, they, them 等)。 3.上述之物,该物。 We have heard from Mr. Jones and have written to same. 【商业】琼斯君有信来,已复讫。 adv. 一样,相同地,不变。 I think the same of him as you do. 我对他的看法和你对他的看法一样。 about the same=much the same . all [just] the same 1.完全一样 (It's all the same to me. 那对我完全一样)。 2. 然而还是,仍然 (I like him all the same.(虽有缺点)我仍然喜欢他)。 at the same time 同时;〔俚语〕〔可省去 the 〕然而,可是,还是。 much the same 差不多完全一样;一丘之貉。 not quite the same 有点两样。 one and the same (=the very same) 完全相同的,同一的;就是那个。 same here 〔口语〕我也一样。 the same 1. 同样地(=in the same way, in the same manner)。 2. 同一事物;上述事物;该人,那个人 ( I wish you the same. =(The) same to you! 彼此彼此〔对恭贺新禧时的答话〕)。 the very same 正是这个,完全相同〔加强语气〕。 n. -ness
Heaven , earth and all living beings all origin from the same father and mother , that is tao is 天地和万物当然也是出至于同一个父母,
Heaven , earth and all living beings all origin from the same father and mother , that is tao is ,天地和万物当然也是出至于同一个父母
Not only that , but rebekah ' s children had one and the same father , our father isaac 10不但如此,还有利百加,既从一个人,就是从我们的祖宗以撒怀了孕。
The same father , osvaldo oliveira soares , has form for trying to use babies as political statements 巴西有法律规定,父母不可为新生儿取日后引致他/她被嘲笑之名。
The same father , osvaldo oliveira soares , has form for trying to use babies as political statements . nine years ago , he was banned from naming a previous son saddam hussein 同是这位父亲, 9年前曾为他的另一名儿子取名萨达姆侯赛因,被法庭颁令禁止。
The western lowland gorillas , who share the same father , were rejected by their separate first - time mothers after they gave birth to them at the park near canterbury , kent 科奇和库迪奇属于西部低地大猩猩,它们是同父异母的兄妹。它们的母亲在豪利特野生动物园生下它们,但由于是第一次作母亲,所以将孩子遗弃。
We all have the same father and we all have the same mother , the earth mother . that means we are all in the same family . but we don t act like one family and we don t listen to our mother earth 我们有同一个父亲和同一个母亲大地,意思是我们都属于同一个家庭,但是我们的行为不像同一个家庭,我们不听从我们的大地母亲。